The Olympic Games in Photos

The London Olympic Games were a broad success and this posting has the links to prove that beyond  a doubt. For what was seen live[or time delayed for after supper entertainment in the US] was supplemented with live feeds available from allowing one to watch without commentary just about any Olympic event live [or tune into Canadian and Mexican TV for live presentations with commentary]. And what became evident is that London certainly put on a great show. And this posting tells where to find the best photo evidence

The venues were well chosen for outdoor wandering events like the 2 marathons, the cycling road race and time trails, the triathlon, and the outdoor swims. The indoor and stadia based competitions not only had historical setting in some cases but great appointments. Thus it is obvious that the athletes got to compete in the best of venues as  can be clearly seen in the following photos.

If you goto the Pinterest site here, you will find 150 of the best photos from the Olympic Games in London. These are compiled from a number of sources – but the bulk of them come from the LATimes Photography Blog and the official Olympic website. There are 3 reasons for this choice of sources of photos.
1)Both sites features some of the better shots from the games;
2)The LATimes  Photography Blog includes the EXIF info for each photo which is quite valuable in figuring how the shots were done;
3)The blog has some of the best full-sized enlargements of photos.
And both of the latter two reasons are very significant. I searched the Web and such publications as NYTimes, BBC, Sports Illustrated, ESPN,, BostonGlobe, LeMonde, Sydney Morning Herald from Sports crazy Australia  and a lot of others. None provided EXIF data. And none matched the generosity in size of the website for the fullsized photos.

Criteria for the Best Images

How to choose 150 of the Best Images? Well compelling action and great composition were the top most criteria. And the crush of sports photographers at the games know their business; so they produced a multitude of interesting shots to choose from. So the the second ranking criteria were shots with a novel point of view. The Judo Exhaustion shot in the top upperleft of the Pinterest screenshot  has not only that novel point of view but great color contrast as well. Another criteria was the use of photographic smarts. The Mountain Bike Shot on the second row, left on the Pinterest screen shot has two virtues. It is not only looking down on the rider and able to capure the riders shadow but also is a panning shot that conveys the remarkable speed the mountain bike riders maintained on this very tough course. Finally, graphic design criteria such as a the spiral lead-ins, rules of thirds positioning, and Golden Sectioning can be found in many of the selected best shots.

Where To Go and How to Get the Images

If you want to use the images for commercial purposes consult with and LATimes  directly. If you want to grab a few shots for personal use like a new  and nifty background screen then do the following :

Go to the LATimes Photography Blog:

Then just click on any of the Olympic Day galleries. But there is a warning – the Photography Blog adds one or two new galleries every day. So the Olympic Day galleries will be pushed further down the stack over time.

Once at an Olympic Day gallery you have a couple of choices.Well, actually many choices. If you click on the Share symbol on the upper right of the icon bar above the image – there a least 2 dozen popular options for sharing the image including eMail, Facebook, Twitter among many. Or by right clicking on the center of the photo a popup will appear and you can save the image as a file on your machine. This option allows users to get at the photo’s EXIF data which is stored in each image file unless stripped away[LATimes did not, also there are photos here with EXIF data intact].

To get at the EXIF photo data,  fire-up Windows Explorer [or your PC’s equivalent]. Highlight the image you just saved in Explorer. Then rightmouse click and  choose the Properties option in the menu that popped up. Properties has all the details of each file and the images too. The final screen shot shows that information.

So in this case we can see that LATimes photographer Wally Skalij was using a Nikon D4 at a slightly higher ISO of 2000. This setting along with the F/4 aperture allows Wally to stop the action with a 1/640 second shutter speed equal to the big lens in use. Also the depth of field is shortened. And now you know the photo smarts used to get a very compelling sports photo.

GAlternatively go to the Photo page:
Here you have much bigger images butat the loss of EXIF data. But also you have at least 2 dozen images from every event. Just  choose from the daily galleries or for every Olympic sport [available in the  drop down] there are also  multiple galleries for each event. Choose from the many galleries available. The fullscreen images are large so you may want to browse through the smaller images before switching to the fullscreen mode  depending on your Web connection speed. Then download and/or share the photos you want in the same fashion as for the LATimes photos. Typically, the fullscreen images are 1680×945 pixels plenty for your screen wallpaper.


The Olympic Games of 2012 were not only the social media games but also the most visually rich. In North America one could connect and follow[without commentary] any of the days events live on the Web. One could follow on Twitter and Facebook all the goings on. And many websites provided live updates like the NYTimes for for big events like the US Womens  and the Men’s Finals soccer games. But thanks to the LATimes and there is also a wonderful legacy of photos and great images of the games as well. So visit the sites and find your own best Olympic Games images.

Or see one of these compendiums of the best Olympic Game Photos:

Olympic Agony and Ecstasy – 100 photos at Pinterest
Olympic Games: 150 0f the Best Images – again at Pinterest
Olympic Graphics II – more graphically astute images from the Games pinned up at Pinterest
Olympic Twists – of fate and form are featured in these 50 photos

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