The Wheels Are Coming Off The Republican Party III

In case you had not noticed, The Wheels Are Coming Off The Republican Party. You know that is the case  when George Will on ABC TV’s This Week with George Stephanopoulis [again] starts taking historical potshots at the Republican chances of  defeating President Obama ‘when it should be a cakewalk”. But more seriously, the Republican Punditry have read the poll numbers and the prospects of a brutal  “lets not embrace Mitt campaign” continues to dog the party. But the real contentious issue is the coalition of the extremes as given voice by the likes of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. It is the fact that the Republican Party has to play to the extremes and has purged any of its moderates[Senator Olympia Snow being the latest], that is most worrying as the tail wags the GOP elephant.

This is the issue that David Frum, political anlyst and speech writer for George Bush, addressed in detail in a NewYork Magazine article:

It’s a duty to scrutinize the actions and decisions of the incumbent administration, but an abuse to use the filibuster as a routine tool of legislation or to prevent dozens of presidential appointments from even coming to a vote. It’s fine to be unconcerned that the rich are getting richer, but blind to deny that ­middle-class wages have stagnated or worse over the past dozen years. In the aftershock of 2008, large numbers of Americans feel exploited and abused. Rather than workable solutions, my party is offering low taxes for the currently rich and high spending for the currently old, to be followed by who-knows-what and who-the-hell-cares. This isn’t conservatism; it’s a going-out-of-business sale for the baby-boom generation.


I refuse to believe that I am the only Republican who feels this way. If CNN’s most recent polling is correct, only half of us sympathize with the tea party. However, moderate-minded people dislike conflict—and thus tend to lose to people who relish conflict. The most extreme voices in the GOP now denounce everybody else as Republicans in Name Only. But who elected them as the GOP’s membership committee? What have they done to deserve such an inheritance? In the mid-sixties, when the party split spectacularly between Ripon Republicans, who embraced the civil-rights movement, and Goldwater Republicans, who opposed it, civil-rights Republicans like Michigan governor George Romney spoke forcefully for their point of view. Today, Republicans discomfited by political and media extremism bite their tongues. But if they don’t speak up, they’ll be whipsawed into a choice between an Obama administration that wants to build a permanently bigger government and a conservative movement content with permanently outraged opposition.


This is, unfortunately, not merely a concern for Republican voters. The conservative shift to ever more extreme, ever more fantasy-based ideology has ominous real-world consequences for American society. The American system of government can’t work if the two sides wage all-out war upon each other: House, Senate, president, each has the power to thwart the others. In prior generations, the system evolved norms and habits to prevent this kind of stonewalling. For example: Theoretically, the party that holds the Senate could refuse to confirm any Cabinet nominees of a president of the other party. Yet until recently, this just “wasn’t done.” In fact, quite a lot of things that theoretically could be done just “weren’t done.” Now old inhibitions have given way. Things that weren’t done suddenly are done.


We can debate when the slide began. But what seems beyond argument is that the U.S. political system becomes more polarized and more dysfunctional every cycle, at greater and greater human cost. The next Republican president will surely find himself or herself at least as stymied by this dysfunction as President Obama, as will the people the political system supposedly serves, who must feel they have been subjected to a psychological experiment gone horribly wrong, pressing the red button in 2004 and getting a zap, pressing blue in 2008 for another zap, and now agonizing whether there is any choice that won’t zap them again in 2012. Yet in the interests of avoiding false evenhandedness, it must be admitted: The party with a stronger charge on its zapper right now, the party struggling with more self-­imposed obstacles to responsible governance, the party most in need of a course correction, is the Republican Party. Changing that party will be the fight of a political lifetime. But a great political party is worth fighting for.

David Frum in the last paragraph catches the nub of the issue. The US at this time cannot afford to have political extremism and turmoil as its policy driving force. The World indeed has grown ever more competitive  and volatile.I would argue that the poison that David Frum is getting at is that the GOP has embraced a policy of Cynical Duping of its own Base. The Karl Rovian anything  goes to win depends on being able to dupe enough of the public all of the time. So the Republican Base is made up of extreme mutual antagonists – gun rightists,  gay haters, Christian rightists, small business owners, immigration fanatics, and the rich 1%. As long as this coalition of extremes persists, so will Republican Extremism.

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