What To Do About ISIS

Here is an superb analysis of what to do against ISIS after the Paris massacre.

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Charlie Rose pulled together a team of experts with diverse view points. They include:
1)Peter Baker NYTimes Washington political reporter.
2)Roger Cohen NYTimes Opinion Page writer
3)Matt Olsen, former director of the National Counter-terrorism Center in Washington
4)Bernard-Henri Lévy, French philosopher and writer
5)Michael Weiss, senior editor at The Daily Beast and co-author of “ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror.” His insights on whats happening on the ground and who the players are in Syria and Iraq are invaluable in the discussion.
The discussions and analysis are quite frank and pointed. See for yourself:

Be sure to watch Charlie Rose on PBS Wednesday Nov 18th for the follow on show discussing the situation. There should be top flight observations and analysis again. This is some of the best reporting on Syria, ISIS and Repercussions of the Paris Attacks and what decisions have to be made in Europe, US and Middle East.

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