Jane Austen on PBS

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PBS is featuring on Masterpiece Theater every Sunday a series of Jane Austen productions. If you have any love of true romance these are stories not to be missed. No, they are not flawless – Persuasion on January 13th and Mansfield park at 1 1/2 hours were just too short for the underlying stories. Much had to be implied or just edited out. In contrast, Northanger Abbey was just about right.

Even more interesting was Jane Austen Regrets. This is a telling of Jane Austen’s own life story in the manner of her own writings. Now much of Jane Austen Regrets is conjecture because her own diaries and letters were destroyed upon her death. But the show was stunning – so poignant and telling it was hard to watch without a sharp inspiration of breath.

Fortunately for Austen-philes, Pride and Prejudice plus Sense and Sensibility will run for 3 days and 2 days respectively. If you have admired Jane, these shows are not be missed. Take a 5th of your favorite absolution while watching.

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