ShootOut at the IT Corral

The Big Fall ShootOut at the IT Corral

Listen up folks, specially you Stock Investors looking for Big Gains – they is going to be a big and bloody ShootOut at the IT Corral this Fall. And them thar Whipper Snappers are in such a fowl mood this BloodBath may continue write to the Winter. And there be Big Guns showing up. BigBad Ballmer armed with a DoubleBarreled ShotGun of MonopolyProfits and WinDoze7 on October 22. BigBad is determined to do in SnakeEyes Jobs whose iDidTheTabletRighttheFirstTime is due a month earlier – we will see who has the iMagicTouch. But BigBad Ballmer will already have unloosed some dastardly MonopolyProfit shots at SnakeEyes with BigPCLaptops [12″ screen, 160GB hard drive, 2GHz CPU, 2++GB of Memory] – these spitballs can be had for $299. Hahaha to MacBooks selling for $900 and lots more. And the GoofleBoyz [Larry, Sergi, and Eric] with their AceAsianSideKicks, the TieOneOn Gang, will be scattering ChromeOS NetBooks, Android Smartphones, and then Android Netbooks all over the IT Corral for $299 and a lot less. And then those sneaky rascals, the Tightwad Telcos will be taking potshots with selected GoofleBoyz and TieOneOn Netbooks and Smartphones for FREE [just a slight matter of being indebted to your favorite Tightwad Telco for 2-3 years or life as the case may be].  And the HPeers are sure to whizz about their MininMite Notebooks while Wooly Walmart and Badacious BestBuy are in on the shooting and haggling with ever lower prices.  Finally, BabyFace Blackberry Balsillie will show up – and all Help will break loose as every Desperado at the IT Corral fires a KillerShot at BabyFace – even MicroNokia will be spitting at BabyFace. In shorts, as every WalledStreet Fool can see – there will be a lot of RedInk shed during the ShootOut at the IT Corral.

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