Business Week Financial Info

This blog has already praised the NYTimes and Google for their excellent and free financial information services and tools. Recently while poking around the Business Exchange I found the following article that pointed me to this intro from 2007 of the Business Week Investing web services. Here is a first, quick look at what I found:

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Nice Financial Summary Embedded within News Stories

Here is a tabbed summary of Goog available on the website. It is packed within its tabs with all sorts of useful financial info about Google – even more complete than the NYTimes and Google Finance. I was impressed but  I had to bookmark the site because there is as in the case of the NYTimes, no multitude of handy entries into the service [ Is this deliberate?]. Also the start up time was a bit slow. Howvere, I expect now that Business Week is a part of Bloomberg the offering from Business Week will be refined in the coming months. Expect an expanded review at that time.

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