Super Talent UltraDrive MX SSD

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Want to supercharge your laptop? Then do consider the Super Talent UltraDrive MX SSD. This Solid state drive comes in 60GB, 120GB, 240GB and 480GB capacities [prices not available util early September. Current 64GB UltraDrives using SATA-only are in $140 range]. The UltraDrive also has both SATA and USB ports so users can mount it internally [be sure to have a laptop expert for this task] or externally through a USB 2.0 or 3.0  port. Users may want to consider getting a USB3.0 upgrade for greater throughput. Or when upgrading a laptop , ensuring it supports USB 3.0. Disk I/O is seen to improve by a factor of 2-4 times using the external USB 3.0 connection .

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