5 Big Computing News Items

It is already Fall in terms of the rush of new computing and technology news. Here are 5 stories that may have missed your attention in the wake of Google Instant Search and Apple’s Rescinding of the Law against  Application Generators.

TheRegister – Microsoft debating whether to embrace and extend HTML5 as IE9 Sep 15th beta launch approaches.
MarketWatch – Apple feeling pressure of Android success in smartphones- reason for backtracking on development.
ComputerworldNew Arm multi-core chip means smartphones and tablets will have 5x computing power by 2012.
ZDNet – Android at 50% and Apple at 20-30% will dominate smartphone market in 2014 at RIM, Nokia, MS expense.
Infoworld – JavaScript, already the clientside languahge of HTML5,  takes on Java on the server.

Takethe5th’s bet is that the new ARM processor with its promise of low power and  enormous computing power will swing the advantage to docking tablets, slates, and smartphones at the expense of desktop and laptop computers. Thus, Wintel in decline; while Google , Apple, Acer and the Asians will rise.

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