
North Korea: China’s Protected Pitbull Terror

This Truthdig cartoon by Dutch illustrator Tom Janssen  encapsulates the true position of China as economic and political protector of the rabid rogue state of North Korea. Despite Chinese many protestations to the contrary, the aspiring new Responsible Nation in Asia  is using North Korea as a military suzerain or puppet state to keep its […]

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North Korea: Trumps First Big Success?

After a disastrous last 2 weeks domestically, President Trump may be securing an improbable success in foreign policy with his changes in strategy for dealing with China over North Korea. In the past year with its nuclear detonations and ballistic missile trials, North Korea has become an ever more dangerous player in East Asia.The chances of a

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China Supports North Korean Domestic Atrocities

Why China continues to support North Korea and its crimes against its own people. Chinese officials on Tuesday despite being criticized a United Nations report [this is a must read] that served notice to Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, that he might be personally held liable in court for crimes against humanity committed by state

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