The New Gold Standard: Jobs

Steady, reasonably-paid  jobs for your populace is the new Gold Standard valued by governments and politicians of every persuasion.What proof do we have for this notion. No less than Barack Obama has pledged no Hoot Smalley-like protectionist tariff measures will get signed into law by his administration. But the same Barack obama has said there  may be incentives for companies that keep jobs in the USA – especially those in the new federally “stimulus funded” green auto, solar energy , or health care improved processing industries among others. These may raise eyebrows at the WTO-World Trade Organization but jobs at home are precious. Likewise, as Tom Friedman tirelessly points out in his Flat Earth books, the Chinese Leaders have made a bargain with its populace – if you approve/tolerate one-party rule we will grow the Chinese economy by 8-12% per year and create ever more jobs, jobs, jobs. Finally, if you are even a medium-sized organization looking for some place in the world to build your jobs-rich plant, just let out the few discreet hints in trade mission circles. You will be inundated with proposals for tax-free, “site-improved” plant locations from countries, states, and cities around the World. QED.

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