Google Finance: New Stock Screener

Google has been putting together some fine tools for manipulating and displaying stock results. Taketh5th readers were alerted to the quality of the Google Finance Stock display and associated stock data at the beggining of this year.  Now Google Finance has added a Stock Screener that is the cats meow. The only limitation is the number of  regions and exchanges covered. I suspect they will be giving Yahoo Finance and MSNBC’s Money a run for their … ahem, Money. The newest Google Finance Jewel is the Stock Screener:

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Try it out and be sure to add your own screening criteria – if you do so you will be happy you did. Compare it with Morningstar’s stock screener also reviewed here. Google is more than competitive. Also another big bonus, Google has added some very good Help screens for Google Finance in general.
Whats Hot!
1)overall outsanding use of graphics and widgets to make this dead simple to learn and use;
2)love Company Distribution  graphs showing  my criteria settings  versus full range of stocks;
3)good set of financial criteria compared with paucity at NYTimes stock screener;
4)screening immediately updates as soon as you change any criteria’s limits;
5)help is available hovering over question mark icons plus online help file.
Whats NOT!
1)No Way to save results of screening to spreadsheet or PDF;
2)Not even to a Google Finance  portfolio;
3)Nor to add to  nearby left sidebar of stock prices on watch;
4)No way to change number of stocks listed per page in printout;
5)Only US and Chinese Exchanges available to screen.

Technical note:
Besides the US Exchanges, the only other stock exchanges available are the Chinese and Hong Kong. Now query me this – did this software originate with Google’s China team?

1 thought on “Google Finance: New Stock Screener”

  1. This is really cool. Google Finance lacks text intensive articles, but off late they have built up some hardcore finance tools. Apart from stock screeners, they also have 20 formulas to asses a particular quote. That is another feather in the hat.

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