Supremes Folly III

Ever since the Supreme Court made such a flawed decision on campaign finance, the issue has been percolating on the front burner. And the gas turned up when Supreme Court Justice Alito mouthed “that is not true” when President Obama in his State of the Union Speech criticized the Court’s campaign finance decision saying it “will open the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.” So as anticipated, this story has legs as the 2010 electoral season starts off with primaries in many states next month and the purse strings for corporate and special interest TV ads considerably loosened. Here are some of the major events:
Washington Post – Congress prepares for legislative fight over campaign finance.
Alliance for Justice – spells out who can do what now that the strings are unloosed.
Seattle Times – is so “thankful” that it can now  make electoral editorial recommendations without fear of prosecution.
The Galesburg  Register Mail – sampled Illinois sagacity and found the electorate reasonably well informed, willing to comment and about evenly split on the issue.
Given the election year and economic circumstances, I suspect Galebergians will be far from having the last word on this judgment.

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