Sphere 3D Glassware 2.0

Startup technology firms are still abound despite the emergence of three controlling heavyweights in electronics and computing:
Sphere 3D with Glassware 2.0 – SaaS cross platform delivery

Here in Sphere 3D’s own words is their value proposition in  any device support:

Consumers can gain complete access to fully functional software versions, allowing PC productivity software to be made available on a variety of Cloud connected devices. Users can do more than just surf or “view” documents on tablets, smartphones or other connected devices – they can create, modify and save, either locally or in the Cloud.
Software Developers can expand software revenue streams to new platforms, without having to develop multiple versions of their software applications without the need for the customization that is required due to the proliferation of device capabilities and operating systems.
Enterprise Clients can provide safe, secure mobile access to their legacy applications, without the expensive customization and inherent time and capability trade-offs required by re-writes to the Cloud. Enterprise’s employees or business partners access the enterprise’s systems, through their own devices (bring your own device “BYOD”) or company-provided equipment, and the enterprise’s own network security protocols will apply without having to make further modifications on the actual devices.

Now one has to take these developments with a grain of salt – Leap Motion with its 3d touch interface challenger to Microsoft Kinect claim precision pointing down to fractions of 1mm but doing so consistently in 3D space proves challenging. Still the device which will emerge on PC market for $80 in May 2013 will surely have success among gamers and soft media developers. But because of problems with pointing precisely, Leap Motion success will be challenged in the broader mouse/stylus markets.

Likewise between lip and cup success for Glassware 2.0 also may be challenging – nonetheless, this is technology to watch over the next year.

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