economic viewpoint

Top US Business Doing Their Fair Share of Damage to the Economy

Call them like the GOP sees them – the Job Creators, the Fortune 300 largest businesses in the US. As the NYTimes describes here, the top US Businesses are not paying their fair share of government taxes and support. And given that Corporations are People and certainly do benefit mightily from government programs they are remiss

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Occupy the Wall Street Journal: FoxNews-like Messaging and Reporting

The Congressional Budget Office’s recent report on National Income trends for the past 30 years finds that the top 20% of earners have gained at least twice as much in income while all other other groups have fallen behind. The Wall Street Journal felt compelled to respond with the  interview below in its Opinions section. From the

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Memo to: B. Obama – Paul Krugman Was Awfully Right Thrice

Memo to: President Barack Obama Subject: NYTimes/Princeton’s Paul Krugman was right three times Dear Mr. President We regret to inform you that Paul Krugman was right three times. First he was right about the size and targeting of the stimulus funds. JedReport, June 2010 – Stimulus Spending: Paul Krugman was right – it was not nearly enough

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President Neville Chamberlain Obama

This posting is not about Nazis but rather  appeasement – abject, complete, and uncompromising appeasement. Now the US knows what its like to live under a leader who may be well-intentioned but as spineless as Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of England just before World War II. Look at the facts: Republican Presidents have been  responsible

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Germany Goes Non-Nuclear

In all the turmoil associated with the  Euro debt crisis in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and now Italy, a major movement in energy policy has taken place. Germany has voted to re-align their energy development to replace their previous commitment to nuclear power with renewables- solar, wind and even geothermal. This is groundbreaking because this is

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WSJ’s Sins of Omission and Commission on Budget Deficits

Update as of July 16,2011: See the resignation of Les Hinton as WSJ CEO due to his role as head of Murchoch’s News of the World during its most scandalous period of phone hacking and police bribes which Les claims he was unaware of. Also see NYTimes Joe Nocera with his own mea culpa for

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Mitch Daniel’s Indiana – Facing National Decline

NYTimes has a good article about Mitch’s Daniel’s Indiana and some of the heart rending tradeoffs Daniels has had to make in the face of recessionary winds: “People think great business climate, Indiana comes to mind. People think infrastructure, we’re exactly who they think of.”Because recessionary winds have not toppled Indiana’s house, this state is

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Paul Gigot: Republican Intellectual Distemper

Having praised Republican Intellectuals for their leadership in defining the the number 1 issue in the upcoming Presidential Election [in case you missed it -High Anxiety over the widespread  National Decline and Washington’s incapacity at addressing the underlying issues], ye Editor expected that some Republican intellectual  gaffe or three to inevitably follow. After all this

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Global Harming

Global Warming is unpopular because it says that humans at 6.9 billion and counting  are responsible for global weather processes. Global Warming occurs  primarily due to the release of CO2 and other gases into the upper atmosphere to levels that gradually raise the temperature around the world and lead to more radical and disruptive weather

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Vindication: Problems with IBM’s Watson

Ye Editor has taken it on the chin in the Reddit community commentary for advancing about IBM’s Watson  two arguments: a)IBM secured an important dispensation when its Watson supercomputer was allowed direct text inputs rather than having to parse , decipher and  understand directly  the spoken questions by Jeopardy host Alex Trebek  and/or scan and

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Prosperity Measured?

The Legatum Institute has a website devoted to measuring the World’s Prosperity  and showing the comparison among all the World’s countries. Being a strong believer in unbiased measures as a way to steer a group or country to enlightened betterment, ye Editor was immediately attracted to the website. To move out of the OECD

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How the Obama Economic Policy Team Came to Shambles

One could see it in the economic policy – so disjointed and just plainly off target – so much help for the banks and financial sector; too little for creating jobs and a business climate of recovery. Now, the NYTimes has done a major story on the people behind it – and one can see

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Moody’s Caution about US Debt

Moodys, one of the big three American Bond rating agencies is cautioning about the US Debt. Here are some of the salient remarks. Moody’s Investors Service Inc. said in a report Thursday that the U.S. will need to reverse an upward trajectory in its debt ratios to support its Aaa rating.“We have become increasingly clear

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G.O.P. – Irrational Like Foxes

In nuclear arms strategy, one winning gambit is to convince your opponents that you are an irrational and unstable player. This puts your opponents on the defensive because they can’t count on you to compute and think rationally. And so therefore in all the MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction] posturings one can never be sure that

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Bankers Did It Again – Fcuked You Ess Ehhh

As the US hurtles towards mid-term elections in which Supreme Court blessed campaign financing has tripled relative to the 2006 midterms, the People discover once again that their Bankers have fcuked Fiduciary Trust, Rule of Law and the People once again by Fcuking Foreclosures with gross negligence and legal fraud. Paul Krugman at the NYTimes

Bankers Did It Again – Fcuked You Ess Ehhh Read More »

Reagan Republican: How GOP Destroyed the US Economy

Marketwatch’s Paul Farrel is at it again – speaking his mind. Paul has taken former Ronald Reagan Budget Director David Stockman’s article in the NYTimes and played it back again and has come up with the most popular posting on Dow Jones Marketwatch today. Paul minces no words, just like David Stockman: Stockman is equally

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Manufacturing Jobs, Manufacturing Jobs, Manufacturing Jobs

Manufacturing Jobs, Manufacturing Jobs, Manufacturing Jobs is finally emerging, 3 years after the great financial debacle, as the number 1, number 2, and number 3 economic and social  problems facing not just the US but most developed countries in the World. And its not easy – just ask the Japanese who had to suffer the

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View from China: Chinese Low Labor Cost Economic Model

In our previous post on Chinese views as published in the Beijing based Chinese Business Magazine Caixin Online, Takethe5th found the posting tainted – written by an American and not yet translated into Chinese. The following article is dramatically more authentic – written by a Western-exposed, Chinese journalist and available in Chinese as well as

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Wall Street Reform: View from China

Wall Street Reforms: Small Change This week, legislators will come together to write a final bill on financial legislation, despite an outcry on the dearth of scope and depth in current reform proposals As legislation finalizes on the financial and banking industry, efforts are finally beginning to reach a boiling point and prominent critics have

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