political potpourri

Jennifer Rubin Makes A Righteous Fool of Herself

Almost as if on cue, Jennifer Rubin makes a righteous fool of herself in an Opinion Piece at the Washington Post about the Aurora Massacre Shootings. It is the same old. same old “Gun Controls would not work” which is  music to  NRA ears  and a GOP which has gone draconian on any regulation. No

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Hey USA You’re In NRA’s Killer Lottery

“Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend Plans?” was the tweet posted on the NRA’s American Rifleman account this morning 7 hours after the horrific mass killings in Aurora Colorado. But  NRAman could  have just as easily tweeted“Hey USA, you are in the NRA Power Bang Killer Lottery whether you like it or not”.  Quickly after

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Coursera University Courses II

Update: Breaking on July 17. 2012 the NYTimes finally recognizes the profound impact Coursera and other free online university offerings are having on undergraduate education. Read it here or follow Takethe5th.com and get the story 3 months earlier and with live experience nuances. This blog has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Coursera University Courses

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LIBOR = Continuing Corruption in Banking and Finance and Governance

When you think of the English, Justice and “Doing the Right Thing” they are almost synonymous. One has to think that near-failure of the Royal Bank of Scotland and Northern Rock during the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis was just  an anomaly. Just a whiff of  the Wall Street Flu. The British run Wimbledon, the Olympics and

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On Financial Meltdown Prosecutions

Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone is noted for his investigations of the Financial Community particulary since the Financial Meltdown of 2007 to 2009. In an article in Rolling Stone for February 2011 Matt asked the question Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?. he concluded that it was two major factors – The Obama administration and

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Two Superb, Free Online University Courses

Free online university courses have really hit their stride this quarter. Courses from Michigan, MIT, Stanford, University of California at Berkley are available now. Free course material has been available from a variety of sources. Near and dear to this blog  and web developer are the w3schools set of tutorials on all key coding in web development

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The Wheels Are NOT Coming Off The Republican Party I

Ross Douthat at the NYTimes has written a spirited rebuttal of the notion that the Republican Primary Process has helped to scuttle the Party’s Presidential prospects. He insists that … well lets let Ross speak for himself: Let’s stipulate that this has not been the most edifying of primary seasons. The policy debates have often

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The Wheels Are Coming Off The Republican Party III

In case you had not noticed, The Wheels Are Coming Off The Republican Party. You know that is the case  when George Will on ABC TV’s This Week with George Stephanopoulis [again] starts taking historical potshots at the Republican chances of  defeating President Obama ‘when it should be a cakewalk”. But more seriously, the Republican

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The Housing “Settlement” Stinks Badly

If the Republicans want a bona fide issue  to tar and feather President Obama on, its his kowtowing to the banks exemplified most recently by the Housing Settlement. Once again, “for the sake of the economy”, banks get away with major white collar financial crime. Anything for a settlement. The $25Billion is peanuts in comparison to the the

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The Wheels Are Coming Off The GOP Base

Politics, particularly Presidential politics is risky racing like Formula 1.  Everything is taken to the limit and like Formula 1 every performance [debate,  campaign event, TV attack ad, Web presence to Tweet, and election result]is polled, monitored, and analyzed in almost excuciating detail.  And there is a surplus of political operatives suggesting how to drive the agenda,

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5 Major Wicked Problems and US Election Politics

The five major problems facing not just the US but almost all developed countries are the following: 1)Jobs are going to the developing countries with very favorable rates of exchange and wage level relative  to prosperous developed countries. Wages in China, India, Vietnam, Brazil and others  across the board are a fraction of the developed

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The Deficit Conundrum

Over and over again, the world is seeing an anguishing and paradoxical debate over the Deficit Conundrum . Simply stated, nation after nation has  allowed bubbles of inflated values to occur, accumulate and eventually topple their economies. The classic bubbly  case is the overinflated housing markets in the US and parts of Europe that burst

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Newt Romney I

The best lines at the ABCTV-sponsored debate this past weekend was Michelle Bachmann’s “Newt Romney”, AKA Newt Gingerich and Mitt Romney. Michelle could show the two not only flip flopping together but also abandoning conservative principles at the drop of a hat. The Daily Beast has been following the two since the debate and the marriage

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Occupy Wall Street’s Enduring Message

Nicholas Kristoff at the NYTimes, has a very telling piece about the Bankers who brought about the 2007-2008 Financial meltdown. Recent disclosures by Bloomberg and others have made it clear that the $0.70 Trillion TARP bailout was just the tip of the iceberg as 10 time the TARP, or $7.0trillion has been spent to bailout

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What Occupy Wall Street Accomplished

Some media argue that Occupy Wall Street, now that it has been disbanded will peter out and the group will have minimal influence. Don’t let anybody sell you that notion. The vote in Ohio on November 8th restoring Union Collective bargaining in state and local government showed that Occupy Wall Street had managed to change voting preferences.Suddenly

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The Level of Lying Stokes Radical Political Partisanship

In an article on her website, Ariana Huffington raises the issue of the level of lying in politics – Mitt Romney Brazenly Lies and the Media Lets Him Slide. Here is he crux of the complaint against Mitt Romney and his election team: The lie is found in Romney’s first television ad, run last week in New

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Occupy Wall Street Moves to TV?

Harry’s Law, in yesterday’s episode called Head Games, takes up the Occupy Wall Street Message in full form.The episode deals with a woman whose home is foreclosed; so in desperation she goes and robs one of the bank’s branches. The team’s defense for the woman is the so called Outrageous Government Misconduct defense. In the

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How and Why the Occupy Wall Street Camps Were Shutdown

Is it a tenor of the Times that only an American writing for a British paper, the Guardian, could produce a plausible story of why the Occupy Movements, predominately peaceful, non-violent protests, were shutdown? Naomi Wolf writing for the Guardian,has produced a story that shows that Federal Homeland Security officials worked in co-ordination with 18

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