moral vacuum

The Ultra-right Israeli Ministers Quash West Bank Palestinian Hopes

The NewYork Times can hardly be accused of being anti-Semitic as 4 recent reports expose the ultra Zionist policy  of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin.  Netanyahu and his key ultra-right cabinet members –Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir who together  bring critical 13 Knesset votes to Netanyahu’s campaign against Israel’s Judiciary and sponsoring active harassments by Israeli Settlers against

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The Perils of President Biden’s Ironclad Buddies

President Joe Biden is increasing in political peril because of his ironclad buddies whom he has supported almost oblivious to their great ensuing moral and integrity threats to him: Hunter Biden has placed his father in danger of being enmeshed in an impeachment query which the truculent GOP House havethreatened tit-for-tat for Just the two

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A Broken Record Screeching in the Middle East

In our reports Why Back Bibi Netanyahu? and Why Did Hamas Assassinate Itself on October 7 2023? there is a throbbing litany of vengeance and conflict as every sector of the Mideast wails aloud with pogroms,  riots,  massacres, coups, and conflicts amassing over 6,000,000 deaths from the End of the 2nd World War in 1946

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Why Did Hamas Assasinate Itself on October 7 2023?

The simple question is why did Hamas commit  its 2million Gaza citizens  to the consequences of such a bestial terror attack on Israel on October 7 2023 and thus assassinate itself ? The Washington Post reports that it was an accident. Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the attack co-ordinators, were astonished by the unexpected success of

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The Clinton Minefield

Hillary Clinton and the DNC should be congratulated for a convention that produced more clearly stated testimonials for Hillary – Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine being the most eloquent. Likewise the attacks on Trump were very telling including Muslim father Khizr Khan, Independent Enterepreneur Michael Bloomberg, and Vice President Joe Biden . Clearly, the

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5 Questions for Democrats: Clinton Email Disaster

Why  nominate a presidential candidate who used a private email server  a)which was illegal according to the State Department and then used irresponsibly according to the FBI; b)so then she has had to  continuously and  profusely lie about its use; c)because  she used it to avoid FOIA-Freedom Of Information Act requirements for disclosure by petitioning media and d)that

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5 Questions for Democrats: Restoring Rule of Law and Financial Safety

Rule of Law and Financial Safety are deeply intertwined through the nexus of unfettered campaign financing allowed by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision. Justice Stevens dissenting opinion states the case succinctly – “the Court’s ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation….a democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are

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5 Questions for Democrats:Why Give Hillary So Much Leeway

Hillary Clinton has been the beneficiary of so much leeway by her party.First she has a former Campaign Manager as DNC Party Chair who instead of being neutral was actively working to give every advantage to Hillary  throughout Primaries. Only because of WikiLeaks, has Debbie Wasserman Schulz   been  finally  ousted from her post. Likewise early in the primaries

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5 Questions for the Democratic Party: Elizabeth Warrens Endorsement Ambiguity

In our ongoing series of 5 questions of the Demoratic Party – here are 3 about Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren for the past 10 years has been a staunch advocate for Consumer Financial protection Reforms. This  work has gained her open emnity from the Financial Community but also a legions of supports among Progressive from

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Titanic Split Threatens the GOP

The Grand Old Party is coming apart at the seams. For the past 10 years the Republican  party has played loyal supporters to its 1% sponsors [think NRA, Climate Change deniers, Wall Street, etc, etc] while allowing its Tea Party rump of 40-50 House members to dictate policy that is increasingly unpopular with the GOP’s own

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Stains on Democracy: Worst Supreme Court Decision of Past 30 Years

Over and over Average Joes say Freedom of Speech  and one-man=one- vote should be supreme and unquestioned in the US Democracy. But the problem of treating corporations and groups as equivalent to individuals is that the views of a very few, often the executive elite, determine the political views and contributions of the organization without

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The Real Obama Flaw: Wall Street Now Too Big To Jail

WhatNowCartoons The GOP has been attacking President Obama for all the Wrong Reasons: Benghazi Libyan embassy fight when the GOP had previously cut the State Departments defense funding. Or No New Taxes when there is general consensus that  tax revenues have dried up and tax reform is way overdue. Or the constant return to Obama’s birth

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What Was Said: Israeli Settlements in West Bank

The occasion of President Obama’s trip to Israel has triggered a number of different articles across Web news media. Remarkably, the topic continues to center on one issue – the ever expanding Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank territory. Now some will take exception to the notion of Palestinian West bank territory despite the

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Jennifer Rubin Makes A Righteous Fool of Herself

Almost as if on cue, Jennifer Rubin makes a righteous fool of herself in an Opinion Piece at the Washington Post about the Aurora Massacre Shootings. It is the same old. same old “Gun Controls would not work” which is  music to  NRA ears  and a GOP which has gone draconian on any regulation. No

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Moral Vacuum: Jerry Sandusky and the LIBOR Scandal

What possible connection can one make with convicted child molester, Penn State Assistant Football coach Jerry Sandusky, and the LIBOR interest rates set in London by a select list of 18 banks lead by Barclays Bank? Another bit of trash journalism  or is there a possible connection? Jerry Sandusky, convicted child molester This last week, the

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LIBOR = Continuing Corruption in Banking and Finance and Governance

When you think of the English, Justice and “Doing the Right Thing” they are almost synonymous. One has to think that near-failure of the Royal Bank of Scotland and Northern Rock during the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis was just  an anomaly. Just a whiff of  the Wall Street Flu. The British run Wimbledon, the Olympics and

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Openness: 4 Principles and a Deviant

This Ted talk by Don Tapscott on the fundamental attributes of Openness is illuminating: Don waxes highly hopeful about an Open Future. But there are stark counter-examples right now. Spain,much of Southern Europe and the MidEast have 40% or much higher youth unemployment. The crux of the problem is also covered in the lecture. Note

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The Wheels Are NOT Coming Off The Republican Party I

Ross Douthat at the NYTimes has written a spirited rebuttal of the notion that the Republican Primary Process has helped to scuttle the Party’s Presidential prospects. He insists that … well lets let Ross speak for himself: Let’s stipulate that this has not been the most edifying of primary seasons. The policy debates have often

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Adobe’s Apple Conundrum

Adobe management  has a major problem – the operating platform where 50% of its sales come from, Apple, has had top executives sabotaging Adobe’s products and market position. Worse,  this abusive behavior has been going on for decades. True, the idea of development neutrality of Operating System vendors is at best only ethically binding [which

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