political potpourri

Lobbyists “Free Speech”

David Brooks at the NYTimes has said about unlimited campaign funding and lobbying allowed by the Supreme Court in January 2010 – “What?, Me, Worry?” [ye Editor paraphrases only slightly]. But in describing the gridlock over climate change and broader legislation, Felix Salmon at Reuters describes the consequences of the Supreme Court’s sheer blundering judicial […]

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Birther Rights

Birthers do not  believe that Barack Obama was  born in the USA. Despite the birth certificate and the notification of birth in several Honolulu newpapers. Over 50% of Republicans believe the Birther myth while only 33% of Republicans definitely acknowledge that Obama was born in the US.  This is the topic of  much analysis including the

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Republicans at TruthSpeak

Who said this? …Republicans should understand that when self-described conservatives such as Malzberg  [or  Trump]voice question-rants like the one above and Republicans do not recoil from them, the conservative party is indirectly injured. As it is directly when Newt Gingrich, who seems to be theatrically tiptoeing toward a presidential candidacy, speculates about Obama having a “Kenyan,

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Wisconsin Recall Has Legs

The Washington Post is reporting today that the movement to recall Wisconsin Republican Senators and Representatives appears to have legs. Popular support has not flagged since the enactment into law of GOP Governor Scott Walker’s  draconian budgetary cutbacks plus removal of government union’s negotiation rights. This is important because the focus of press attention has

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Jobs, Health Care Costs, then maybe Deficits

In an article in today’s NYTimes, Paul Krugman raises the  problem of how Washington policy manipulators … uhh makers have downgraded the issue of Jobs from number 1  to an also ran against “cutting the deficit”. Yet just  4 months before Paul Krugman was a guest commentator on ABC TV Sunday news program, This Week,

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Bipartisanship: No Rule of Law for Wall Street

US voters are clamoring for bipartisanship and for the Democrats and  Republicans to work together to deliver much better governance. There are too many polls that tell Washington so. But leaders  from both parties cite the stridence and shrill lack of civility that undoes all efforts at good bipartisan governance. Even the one arena, foreign affairs.

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Run Mitch Run

The above words are the optimistic exhortation that NYTimes David Brooks provides to Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels on running for GOP Presidential candidate. This is also a fat chance exhortation much like fellow columnist Tom Friedman’s advice in If Not Now, When in which he urges the US to create a gas tax that would

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Governor Scott Walker: Koch Whore vs Shock Doctrine

Two views of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin have appeared in the news lately – you decide which is more illuminating.  The blog Buffalo  Beast, did a beastly thing, impersonating Billionaire David Koch making a call to Governor Walker. David Koch is   behind Americans for Prosperity lobby group that have been financing Walker’s cuts and

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American SuperWealthy Wage War on America!

Only in America could you see a headline like this – American  SuperWealthy Wage War on Americans! Such an irony – the SuperWealthy who have risen to power and position by a combination of  hard work, good fortune  and stealth are finally throwing off the shackles of their dependence on the good will of the

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Ike Was Right

In a 1960 address to the nation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 5 star general and Supreme Commander of the World War II invasion of Europe, warned against the military-industrial complex. This is the co-ordinated lobbying of defense contractors allied with military supporters in both political parties that would get their way on the size and

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Republican Leadership: Thinkless, Thankless

To be a leader in the Republican party is a think-less and thankless task. As Paul Krugman has pointed out many the times, Republicans have to reject simple math and logic in justifying their catastrophic fiscal policies. This is GOP party leadership that must carefully evade exposure of its  near treasonous “Starve the Beast” economic

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Revolutions through the Web

When Time magazine was rumored to make the Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg its Person of the Year, Ye 5th’s Editor thought that another Media “Academy Award” was a little too much. But with the revolt in Tunisia and the outbreak of dissent and protests in Egypt, both largely organized and propelled by social media including Facebook

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How the Obama Economic Policy Team Came to Shambles

One could see it in the economic policy – so disjointed and just plainly off target – so much help for the banks and financial sector; too little for creating jobs and a business climate of recovery. Now, the NYTimes has done a major story on the people behind it – and one can see

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Why Not Regulate Guns Like Toys and Cars

Nicholas Kristoff asks the above question from a telling point of view, public health and safety. And the measures are small, targeted, and not massively intrusive as the NRA will insist. As Kristoff, a  boyhood gun enthusiast notes Jared Loughner was considered too mentally unstable to attend community college. He was rejected by the Army. Yet

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