
Hiding In Plain Sight Behind Barack Obama

Frank Bruni at the NYTimes raised 5 questions about telling  issues  in the  Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate in Brooklyn last night. As the GOP is hacking itself apart in a grisly dismemberment over who controls the perverse loyalties of its Base, Bruni notes  that the Democrats face fundamental schisms of their own. Specifically,  Bruni cites the major […]

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Republican Truthiness

Republicans from Presidential candidates through to the rank and file have embraced truthiness. Of course, Stephen Colbert is famous for having defined truthiness way back in 2005 on his first Colbert Report show: Colbert chose the word truthiness just moments before taping the premiere episode of The Colbert Report after deciding that the originally scripted

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3 Abominable Obama Policy Decisions

The GOP Leadership is prepared to tell you that Barack Obama is the worst President in US History because they need  a scapegoat  for George W. Bush’s disastrous incumbency. Just consider the consequences of  Bush decisions. Bush systematically ignored all the September 9/11 warning signs preventing his administration from ‘connecting the dots that blasted into the World trade

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Bernie Sanders Is The Real Deal

Reading Salon, CNN, NPR,  NYTimes, Washington Post, theDailyBeast, Politico and other popular political websites this Spring into Summer, one can see the transformation of Bernie Sanders as Democratic 2016 Presidential candidate with “no chance” thru “picking up steam” to “the real deal”. Will Bernie do an Obama on Hillary? Two months ago that would be

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At Last, Major Media Catch-up to the Windows 8 Convertible Advantage

Now this reviewer does not like to gloat but it is always a nice to see how far ahead of the Major Media Pack one can be. First the NYTimes and now Marketwatch, more than a year late, have “seen the opportunity and lead” that Windows 8 has in 2-in-1 or convertible laptops/tablets and with

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The Real Obama Flaw: Wall Street Now Too Big To Jail

WhatNowCartoons The GOP has been attacking President Obama for all the Wrong Reasons: Benghazi Libyan embassy fight when the GOP had previously cut the State Departments defense funding. Or No New Taxes when there is general consensus that  tax revenues have dried up and tax reform is way overdue. Or the constant return to Obama’s birth

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Another View: Moores Law Slowing

Three weeks ago this blog presented Moores Law is Alive and Well.  But reader reaction was mixed because the post emphasized growth in  computing power rather than number of transistors per chip. But really Moores Law has two meanings in electronics. The strict original circuit design  definition was that the number of transistors on a 2D integrated circuit chip would double

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Is the Code-Writing on the Wall for Microsoft?

Maybe not the writing, but the following graphics will create no great cheer in Redmond. Look at the Trends for Microsoft languages based on the Tiobe Index First, Apple’s Objective C is surging in popularity. But of greater concern is the peaking of  C# and Visual Basic. Python is now more popular than VB. But

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Where is the David Einhorn for America

David Einhorn, the tiny $7Billion Hedge Fund manager, has tweaked the nose of computing’s Goliath, Apple. Since a week Thursday, David  has shocked the US business world with his direct, loud, and “uncivil’ attack on Apple’s huge cash hoard of nearly $130Billion. And Apple’s cash hoard islikely getting bigger on a  growth rate of 10%per quarter for the

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DOJ To Get Tough with Big Banks: Principle at Stake

NYTimes Dealbook has a story today that the DOJ-Department of Justice is finally going to get tough with the Big Banks. “Getting tough” means no more “largest financial fine history but no admission of guilt by the financial institution – i.e. off the criminal action hook. Unfortunately, 5years into the financial crisis this is a

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Lost: The Ability To Decide Well

Paul Krugman’s post about The Ignorance Caucus is most relevant. Krugman’s essential argument is that the Republican party routinely spurns compelling evidence and now actively opposes gathering evidence when it might call into question its own policies and/or lobbyist supporters. This Deliberate Denial Disorder underlines the great fear that 1/2 of the US political dialogue

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How + Why Samsung Leads Innovation in Electronic Devices

Samsung leads the Smartphone Market in the US taking over from Apple. But Samsung has leading or near leading positions in the appliances, TV, compact camera, and other electronic device markets. They, not GE nor Phillips nor Sony are currently  the first innovators in bring the Moores Law powered electronic chip revolution to  consumer products.

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Best Charts of 2012 : The Power of Good Graphics

Is this the best Chart used in US Media for 2012? What is growing in popularity on news sites like, The Christian Science Monitor,  theDailyBeast,  HuffingtonPost, NYTimes,  The New Republic, and Time Magazine is the frequent use of charts [or infographics] to clearly  describe a  situation or better illustrate some analysis. If a picture is worth

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Strangely, the DailyBeast gave ink to Michael Medved and his spouting of the GOP propaganda meme that all politicians are liars but President Obama is the worst one. This is a vital Big Lie for the Republicans. Hence concentrating on scandals like the Benghazi scandal and the Obama apology tour – are all birds of

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Computings Big 3: Apple Google Microsoft

The Emergence of Computing’s New  Big 3 Apple, Google and Microsoft have become the dominating  Big 3 in the Computing  Industry “For the past 30 years Computing has been Consumer-driven” – Ben Acelman In case you have not noticed, there is a new Computing Reality – Apple, Google, and Microsoft have become the BIG 3

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