financial fiascoes

Why Congress Has Failed to Regulate Wall Street, Healthcare, Energy, etc.

The above 60 Minutes Report on how badly compromised members of Congress are is echoed in this report from the Daily Beast on Obama’s Energy Department graft that extends well beyond Solyndra. Clearly the US is teetering with political graft and scandal that extends across parties and is making Washington a place of Moral Compromise […]

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MF Global:Wall Street Reforms Fail: Update

Three new reports on MF Global’s Bankruptcy and its Impact on Financial Policy are worth noting: NYTimes – Gretchen Morgenstern, who has been instrumental in exposed recent Financial Follies, describes the damage to the credibility of current financial regulatory reforms and how the current European financial crisis impacts American banks and financial institutions as a consequence. Marketwatch

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Occupy Wall Street: Bautocracy Brought Into Focus

Takethe5th has been advancing the idea that the US, in a major departure from its democratic roots, has been in the process of becoming a Bautocracy. This is the process of the very wealthiest replacing one-man-one-vote with bought political access and therefore power. This buying of influence has been accomplished through unprecedented political access and  power

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The Ratings Agencies Moodys and S+P: Investigations 3 Years Late

Reuters has a story on investigation of S&P and Moody’s by  Justice department for their role in the Mortgage meltdown of 2007-2008.  Clearly the question is why is this probe starting up 3 years or more after the fact. Here are 5 possibilities: 1)It takes a long time to do Financial fraud prosecutions. Also GOP has held

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Germany Goes Non-Nuclear

In all the turmoil associated with the  Euro debt crisis in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and now Italy, a major movement in energy policy has taken place. Germany has voted to re-align their energy development to replace their previous commitment to nuclear power with renewables- solar, wind and even geothermal. This is groundbreaking because this is

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Apple vs Microsoft Blowout Quarters

The Financial Press reported that both Apple and Microsoft had “blow out quarters” for their June 2011 end quarterly reports. The table below tells the tale: Comparison of AAPL-Apple and MSFT-Microsoft July 2011 Sales and Earnings Description AAPL Sales AAPL Profits MSFT Sales MSFT Profits Mar end 2011 $24.7B $6.0B $16.4B $5.2B Jun end 2011

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Republican Party Is Fragmenting

The Republican party is built on a smorgasboard of special interests which are often at polar opposites. Here are a few examples: Immigration hardliners vs Small businesses on accommodating migrant workers Military Industrial Corporates vs Tea Party Deficit Hawks on spending cuts and war adventurism Tea Party Deficit Hawks vs Wall Street Financiers on Debt

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As Murdoch’s News Empire Crumbles: Rule of Law Implications

News Corp International is the name of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire that stretches from his native Australia [owning many of the largest Australian newspapers] thru Europe with many interests based in England [including Harpers Collin Book Publishing, Sky Italia and other Sky TV networks, several newpapers including the Sunday Times and the just now defunct

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Republican Irrationality: US Budget Deficit Math

This blog has been arguing that the Republican Party has over the past thirty years been engaging in deliberately irrational policies. It started with Ronald Reagan’s approval of the enticingly treasonous “Starve the Beast” government spending policy. Starve the Beast condones government spending increases which are not paid for by tax increases or spending cuts

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Mitch Daniel’s Indiana – Facing National Decline

NYTimes has a good article about Mitch’s Daniel’s Indiana and some of the heart rending tradeoffs Daniels has had to make in the face of recessionary winds: “People think great business climate, Indiana comes to mind. People think infrastructure, we’re exactly who they think of.”Because recessionary winds have not toppled Indiana’s house, this state is

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Race to the Bottom: Obama Curries Wall Street Favors

Want to know why jobs are not coming back anytime soon and why Washington ignores what is being requested by the public in poll after poll? It is all a case of Supreme Court powered $dollar-votes being courted slavishly by both political parties for the upcoming Presidential Elections.  Listening to the political pundits on the Sunday

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Why is Marketwatch’s David Weidner Calling Diamond and Krugman Sissies?

Why is Marketwatch’s David Weidner calling Peter Diamond and Paul Krugman Sissies? Is he envious of their respective Nobel Economics Prizes or has the Partisan Congressional Rancor and Name-calling spilled over into the Financial Press? Is Marketwatch becoming the Fox News tough guy affiliate for New Corp common parent? Does David want Jon Friedman’s job

Why is Marketwatch’s David Weidner Calling Diamond and Krugman Sissies? Read More »

Why is Pimco Boss Bill Gross Under Fire From WSJ?

Why is Pimco boss Bill Gross, manager of  trillion dollars in assets Pimco Funds, under fire from the Wall Street Journal? The WSJ published a report today which examines in great detail how  Bill Gross lost over $3billion on Lehman Brothers bonds going bankrupt in September 2008 tripping off the Financial meltdown which the US is still

Why is Pimco Boss Bill Gross Under Fire From WSJ? Read More »

Bipartisanship: No Rule of Law for Wall Street

US voters are clamoring for bipartisanship and for the Democrats and  Republicans to work together to deliver much better governance. There are too many polls that tell Washington so. But leaders  from both parties cite the stridence and shrill lack of civility that undoes all efforts at good bipartisan governance. Even the one arena, foreign affairs.

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American SuperWealthy Wage War on America!

Only in America could you see a headline like this – American  SuperWealthy Wage War on Americans! Such an irony – the SuperWealthy who have risen to power and position by a combination of  hard work, good fortune  and stealth are finally throwing off the shackles of their dependence on the good will of the

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Financial Crisis Was Avoidable

The engine of  inquiry often rolls along slowly – this appears to be especially true in the case of the financial meltdown. The commission of  ten appointed by President Obama  with the usual accommodation for polical leanings has finally produced its report and the verdict is: Financial Crisis Was Avoidable. Despite the 6:4 Democrat versus Republican split on the conclusions

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How the Obama Economic Policy Team Came to Shambles

One could see it in the economic policy – so disjointed and just plainly off target – so much help for the banks and financial sector; too little for creating jobs and a business climate of recovery. Now, the NYTimes has done a major story on the people behind it – and one can see

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Moody’s Caution about US Debt

Moodys, one of the big three American Bond rating agencies is cautioning about the US Debt. Here are some of the salient remarks. Moody’s Investors Service Inc. said in a report Thursday that the U.S. will need to reverse an upward trajectory in its debt ratios to support its Aaa rating.“We have become increasingly clear

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G.O.P. – Irrational Like Foxes

In nuclear arms strategy, one winning gambit is to convince your opponents that you are an irrational and unstable player. This puts your opponents on the defensive because they can’t count on you to compute and think rationally. And so therefore in all the MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction] posturings one can never be sure that

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Bankers Did It Again – Fcuked You Ess Ehhh

As the US hurtles towards mid-term elections in which Supreme Court blessed campaign financing has tripled relative to the 2006 midterms, the People discover once again that their Bankers have fcuked Fiduciary Trust, Rule of Law and the People once again by Fcuking Foreclosures with gross negligence and legal fraud. Paul Krugman at the NYTimes

Bankers Did It Again – Fcuked You Ess Ehhh Read More »

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