In our ongoing series of 5 questions of the Demoratic Party – here are 3 about Elizabeth Warren.
Elizabeth Warren for the past 10 years has been a staunch advocate for Consumer Financial protection Reforms. This work has gained her open emnity from the Financial Community but also a legions of supports among Progressive from both parties. In 2012 Elizabeth was elected to the Senate from Massachusetts and immediately assumed key roles in Finance and Consumer protection Oversight. This has put her in conflict with the Wall Street Banking community.
Her vigorous support of tough sanctions on the financial community has broad support among Democrats and Independent Progressives. Her Facbook FanClub has swelled to over 25,000 members. But perhaps bowing to the public polls indicating only middling support, Elizabeth did not enter the Democratic Presidential Primary.. Then when Bernie Sanders emerged as a very competitive candidate advocating almost an identical platform of financial reforms as Elizabeth, all that the Sanders team was able to coax out of her was the following “endorsement”: