
NYTimes Magazine Makes A Scene, Literally

NYTimes Magazine online edition has been the subject of lavish praise from this reviewer of late[see the fulsome accolades for NYTimes Magazine story on a Philippines outpost against the Chinese land grab here]. But the Magazine can be too indulgent as appears to be the case in its extravagant Making a Scene production – 11

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Found in NYC: SNL Last Skit Before Presidential Election

Look what turned up outside 30 Rockefeller Center on Tuesday after Sandy. A script remarkably intact given the hurricane’s drenching: ‘ SNL FinalFinal Presidential Election 2012 Skit – L.Micheals eyes only MYTH ROMNEY – Change You Better Believe In! Players: Myth Romney played by Jason Sudeikis sporting a spray tan that brings Myth about one shade darker

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Weill Weill Weill – the Financial Tall Tale Gold Medal

Financial turnaround  Tall Tales   from the Banking Community are not  hard to find because the Banksters are creating scandolous  headlines at an ever faster rate this year. Yet these same parties and  much of the Financial Press continue to insist that everything is a-okay. The apologists make very hollow arguments: 1)financial markets are the

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The Housing “Settlement” Stinks Badly

If the Republicans want a bona fide issue  to tar and feather President Obama on, its his kowtowing to the banks exemplified most recently by the Housing Settlement. Once again, “for the sake of the economy”, banks get away with major white collar financial crime. Anything for a settlement. The $25Billion is peanuts in comparison to the the

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5 Major Wicked Problems and US Election Politics

The five major problems facing not just the US but almost all developed countries are the following: 1)Jobs are going to the developing countries with very favorable rates of exchange and wage level relative  to prosperous developed countries. Wages in China, India, Vietnam, Brazil and others  across the board are a fraction of the developed

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The Deficit Conundrum

Over and over again, the world is seeing an anguishing and paradoxical debate over the Deficit Conundrum . Simply stated, nation after nation has  allowed bubbles of inflated values to occur, accumulate and eventually topple their economies. The classic bubbly  case is the overinflated housing markets in the US and parts of Europe that burst

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Evangelicals Misbehaving

The following stories catch various Evangelicals and other Christian groups misbehaving: NYTimes – The Evangelical Rejection of Reason YouTube – When Christians Misbehave Guardian – Attacks on Mitt Romney for Mormon faith heightens Republican rivalry. ChristianPost – Can Christians escape the “Hate” label in Gay marriage debate? Wikipedia – Anti-abortion violence, Christian terrorism This raises

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The Unbelievably Revealing GOP Debate in Las Vegas

Here is one party that can’t believe that the GOP, Masters of Manipulation of their Message, allowed so many debates to take place. God bless them, because unlike in the  broader media coverage and analysis, much is being revealed in the debates about the candidates inherent knowledge of the domestic and world scene, their beliefs

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The Ratings Agencies Moodys and S+P: Investigations 3 Years Late

Reuters has a story on investigation of S&P and Moody’s by  Justice department for their role in the Mortgage meltdown of 2007-2008.  Clearly the question is why is this probe starting up 3 years or more after the fact. Here are 5 possibilities: 1)It takes a long time to do Financial fraud prosecutions. Also GOP has held

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Memo to: B. Obama – Paul Krugman Was Awfully Right Thrice

Memo to: President Barack Obama Subject: NYTimes/Princeton’s Paul Krugman was right three times Dear Mr. President We regret to inform you that Paul Krugman was right three times. First he was right about the size and targeting of the stimulus funds. JedReport, June 2010 – Stimulus Spending: Paul Krugman was right – it was not nearly enough

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The Only Thing Uniting the GOP Now is “Get Obama”

Ye Editor has previously put forward the idea that the GOP is coming apart at the seams and the  only thing uniting the Republican party is the notion of making Obama a one term President. Now that the split in the House between the two factions in the GOP has become an open festering  wound

The Only Thing Uniting the GOP Now is “Get Obama” Read More »

As Murdoch’s News Empire Crumbles: Rule of Law Implications

News Corp International is the name of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire that stretches from his native Australia [owning many of the largest Australian newspapers] thru Europe with many interests based in England [including Harpers Collin Book Publishing, Sky Italia and other Sky TV networks, several newpapers including the Sunday Times and the just now defunct

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The 3rd Wing of the Republican Party: President Obama

There is a growing unrest that sees President Obama badly overshooting his Centrist tendencies and becoming a Republican. Ye Editor has raised the issue most recently with Race to the Bottom: Obama Curries Wall Street Favors. But Huffington Post’s Drew Westen has done the careful spadework and here is a sampler of an essay laced

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Supply Chain Black Swans

If anything should have been learned from the Financial Meltdown of 2007-2009,it is a childhood lesson that your Mom repeated count less times –  playing with fire and other things techie you don’t completely understand…. oops make that derivatives and other complex seccurities while under the influence of extremely high leverage can be  very detrimental

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