political potpourri

An Essay for the Coursera Class: Behavioral Economics

In the Coursera class Behavioral Economics taught by  Duke Professor Dan Ariely, all the students had to write a mid-term  essay in which they described the ideas of Behavioral Economics  and how the methods of the discipline  could be used to solve an economic problem. Despite the fact, that most of the methods in the

An Essay for the Coursera Class: Behavioral Economics Read More »

The Real Obama Flaw: Wall Street Now Too Big To Jail

WhatNowCartoons The GOP has been attacking President Obama for all the Wrong Reasons: Benghazi Libyan embassy fight when the GOP had previously cut the State Departments defense funding. Or No New Taxes when there is general consensus that  tax revenues have dried up and tax reform is way overdue. Or the constant return to Obama’s birth

The Real Obama Flaw: Wall Street Now Too Big To Jail Read More »

The Score: GOP/NRA 46 to 54 for Gun Reform: Gun Reform Loses

Only in the USA could a majority vote for Gun Reform be turned upside  down in the US Senate. This is on Universal Gun Buyer Background checks which currently have majority popular support reaching as high as  91% of the US electorate in over a half dozen polls. No matter how you ask the question, a

The Score: GOP/NRA 46 to 54 for Gun Reform: Gun Reform Loses Read More »

What Was Said: Israeli Settlements in West Bank

The occasion of President Obama’s trip to Israel has triggered a number of different articles across Web news media. Remarkably, the topic continues to center on one issue – the ever expanding Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank territory. Now some will take exception to the notion of Palestinian West bank territory despite the

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What Was Said: TheDailyBeast on Bibi Netanyahu

The Daily Beast is covering the AIPAC – America Israel Public Affiars Committee conference where Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren advanced the notion that Likud partty leader and Israeli Prime Minister had been willing to stick his neck out for a two-state solution. TheDailyBeast sets the record straight in no uncertain terms: Netanyahu’s Likud party has

What Was Said: TheDailyBeast on Bibi Netanyahu Read More »

Powerful Infographic on Gun Control

The DailyBeast has helped create and promote the following Gun Control infographic  on a website called ThisIsYourRepOnGuns: Every Senator and member of the House of Representatives is listed. Their own words on gun control are available – and what voting actions and financial support they have taken on the issue. There are ratings of the

Powerful Infographic on Gun Control Read More »

Best Charts of 2012 : The Power of Good Graphics

Is this the best Chart used in US Media for 2012? What is growing in popularity on news sites like cnn.com, The Christian Science Monitor,  theDailyBeast,  HuffingtonPost, NYTimes,  The New Republic, and Time Magazine is the frequent use of charts [or infographics] to clearly  describe a  situation or better illustrate some analysis. If a picture is worth

Best Charts of 2012 : The Power of Good Graphics Read More »

Squandered Opportunity:The First Presidential Debate

The Fiscal Cliff has exposed the tremendous political advantage that was lost in the first Presidential Debate. At the time of the debate President Obama had momentum from the conventions [the poor GOP Romney convention giving as much wind in the Democrat sails as their own] plus a growing lead in the national polls. But

Squandered Opportunity:The First Presidential Debate Read More »

The State of the GOP: Party Discipline Through Political Assassination

What The Republican Party Has Become is the title of a superb post by Steve Kornacki at Salon. This is the story of how Republican Senators defeated a bill originally sponsored by Republican Bob Dole which now was being used as the model for UN recommendations to other UN countries. The bill has little to

The State of the GOP: Party Discipline Through Political Assassination Read More »


Strangely, the DailyBeast gave ink to Michael Medved and his spouting of the GOP propaganda meme that all politicians are liars but President Obama is the worst one. This is a vital Big Lie for the Republicans. Hence concentrating on scandals like the Benghazi scandal and the Obama apology tour – are all birds of

Confabulation Read More »

Found in NYC: SNL Last Skit Before Presidential Election

Look what turned up outside 30 Rockefeller Center on Tuesday after Sandy. A script remarkably intact given the hurricane’s drenching: ‘ SNL FinalFinal Presidential Election 2012 Skit – L.Micheals eyes only MYTH ROMNEY – Change You Better Believe In! Players: Myth Romney played by Jason Sudeikis sporting a spray tan that brings Myth about one shade darker

Found in NYC: SNL Last Skit Before Presidential Election Read More »

Daily Fact: GOP Presidents have worst record for Stock Market Performance

No less an authority than the Economist shows that under Democratic Presidents the stock market   has outperformed by a wide margin  what was accomplished by Republican Presidents. And this GOP poor economic and stock market performance  goes back  80 years. The fundamental problem is that Republican Presidents have had poor economic policy and tolerated

Daily Fact: GOP Presidents have worst record for Stock Market Performance Read More »

Governor Romney’s Massachusetts Business Record

His Massachusetts Business Record is a constant theme that Governor Romney is citing as his job creating expertise and how he is going to turn manufacturing  and the economy in the country around. The Democrates have a different point of view.   Manufacturing Jobs under Romney in Massachusetts Romney`s Manufacturing  jobs record in Massachusetts Governor Romney`s overall

Governor Romney’s Massachusetts Business Record Read More »

The Grand Trickle Down Deception

The constant refrain in the Presidential campaign is to give the Job Creators the money with various unconditional tax breaks, and those adventurous souls will have America up and working  in no time flat. But  overwhelming  current evidence is this is not just a myth but a crass deception. The following articles  in the NYTimes Dealbook ,

The Grand Trickle Down Deception Read More »

Daily Facts: Total Taxes Paid As % of Income USA 2011

Given Mitt Romney’s disdain for 47% of Americans as tax moochers and the GOP mysterious “how are they going to pay for it in the proposed Ryan budget”, today’s daily facts looks at who and how much various income groups pay in total US  taxes. But not just the total taxes paid by income group

Daily Facts: Total Taxes Paid As % of Income USA 2011 Read More »

The Romney Gaffes

The Romney Gaffes are real, severely conservative and grotequely self damaging. Just look at the map of the US above and what states harbor more of  the 47%” victims of total government dependency. Romney is insulting his Republican constituents from the Deep South primarily but the whole of America when he writes off 47% of

The Romney Gaffes Read More »

What Iran’s True Energy Development Should Be

Irans says it is developing nuclear power for peacful purposes. Given the $2B in annual spending on enriched uranium which could be converted to nuclear weapons, Iran could devote those funds to leading the world in developing RE-Renewable Energy for Desalination which looms along with associated grain food shortages as the number one problem facing

What Iran’s True Energy Development Should Be Read More »

Fundamental Problem in US Health Care:The Course

There is a superb free  course available from Coursera and the  University of Pennsylvania on  Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act. Dr Ezekiel Emanuel who is an Onclogist is a great speaker in this free Coursera program and he starts off by providing a clear chart of  the fundamental problem facing healthcare in the United

Fundamental Problem in US Health Care:The Course Read More »

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