Bernard Watcher 2

Democratic Debate 1 – Best Candidate Comment

Marianne Williamson continues to make surprisingly well measured comments – especially about Reparations for Slavery. But the best comments at the debate were made in the bowels of NYTimes live coverage of the debate. Buried in the commentary is Reid Epstein note about Montana Governor’ Steve Bullocks signature issue: Steve Bullock tries to pivot to

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NYTimes: Meet the Democratic Candidates

NYTimes has taken the initiative and has recently presented defining profiles of 21 of 22 Democratic candidates for President. The profiles come from each cadidate’s answers to the same 18 questions about the upcoming Presidential contest and their reason for participating in it. Despite many requests by the NYTimes, Joe Biden declined to participate given that

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Payback on the Front Burner

Worldwide Inequality Becomes More Pronounced Both Wealth and Income continue to skew in favor of privileged 1% as seen in these reports and charts: First there is the trend of income inequlity shows three disturbing trends: First, the top 10% of the population continues to increase its disproportionate percentage of  National Income giving substance to

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How Google Lost Computing Credibility

“Do No Evil” Google has in the past 3 years lost a lot of its technical lustre and credibility as  Google+ has been killed. Google was once the goto computing innovator among scandal ridden monopolistic players like Apple, IBM and Microsoft. But now Google  is crashing in technical and business stature. And It all seems to

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How the Web Went from Benign to Malvolent & GDPR

The Web has been transformed from benignly hopeful just 25 years ago to an increasingly  dangerous place. There are key players silently vying for control of Web Space – the Nation-State cyber warriors almost all have been  armed primarily by an incompetently vulnerable NSA and CIA.The Cyber Criminals trolling for vast amounts of easy money pickings

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North Korea: China’s Protected Pitbull Terror

This Truthdig cartoon by Dutch illustrator Tom Janssen  encapsulates the true position of China as economic and political protector of the rabid rogue state of North Korea. Despite Chinese many protestations to the contrary, the aspiring new Responsible Nation in Asia  is using North Korea as a military suzerain or puppet state to keep its

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Its The Economy By The Stupidly Greedy

Make America Great Again has a half-life of about 1-2 years at most. Then disastrous economic decision making will have the  Political Fiddler on the Roof calling the End Tune. And nowhere has this become more obvious in the cobbled together, greed and revenge ridden “GOP Tax Plan”. The “Plan” is in quotes because  it

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The Republican Partisan Wall

This reviewer did a story 7 years ago about Obama Hitting the Republican Partisan Wall. The recent Charlottesville Travesty has exposed the underlying bigotry embraced by President Trump and seen as a defining flaw by the Economist as seen in two telling magazine covers. So the underlying motivations and support for the Republican Radical Partisanship of

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North Korea: Trumps First Big Success?

After a disastrous last 2 weeks domestically, President Trump may be securing an improbable success in foreign policy with his changes in strategy for dealing with China over North Korea. In the past year with its nuclear detonations and ballistic missile trials, North Korea has become an ever more dangerous player in East Asia.The chances of a

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5G WIFI Developments

5 different view of when 5G WiFi arrives WhatIs tells us that “5G is the coming  fifth-generation wireless broadband technology based on the IEEE802.11ac standard.” 5G will provide better speeds, latency response and density of coverage than the current 4G. 5G operates with a 5Ghz signal and is set to offer speeds of up to

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GOP Vindictive Obstruction – 4 More Years

How the Republican Party staves off Disintegration The Republican party has become petty and vindictive as it clings to a fracturing voter Base It is a two-faced union of  the Business Establishment  attached to self-identified victim groups like Evangelicals, National Debtors [where were they when George Bush rang up a massive $5trillion in debt with unpaid

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The Bachelor vs Hells Kitchen: Which is Worse?

American Television over the past 10 years has seen a Renaissance in specialty channels and innovative TV productions. However, the 4 major networks in contrast are stuck  grinding down  to the lowest common denominator of low gear values. Two of the worst  offerings this Fall are many-year repeats, so you know they have gained at the

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The Clinton Minefield

Hillary Clinton and the DNC should be congratulated for a convention that produced more clearly stated testimonials for Hillary – Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine being the most eloquent. Likewise the attacks on Trump were very telling including Muslim father Khizr Khan, Independent Enterepreneur Michael Bloomberg, and Vice President Joe Biden . Clearly, the

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5 Questions for Democrats: Clinton Email Disaster

Why  nominate a presidential candidate who used a private email server  a)which was illegal according to the State Department and then used irresponsibly according to the FBI; b)so then she has had to  continuously and  profusely lie about its use; c)because  she used it to avoid FOIA-Freedom Of Information Act requirements for disclosure by petitioning media and d)that

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5 Questions for Democrats: Restoring Rule of Law and Financial Safety

Rule of Law and Financial Safety are deeply intertwined through the nexus of unfettered campaign financing allowed by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision. Justice Stevens dissenting opinion states the case succinctly – “the Court’s ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation….a democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are

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5 Questions for Democrats:Why Give Hillary So Much Leeway

Hillary Clinton has been the beneficiary of so much leeway by her party.First she has a former Campaign Manager as DNC Party Chair who instead of being neutral was actively working to give every advantage to Hillary  throughout Primaries. Only because of WikiLeaks, has Debbie Wasserman Schulz   been  finally  ousted from her post. Likewise early in the primaries

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